Our vision is reaching the children, youth, adults and families in this province by strengthening the ministries of the local assembly by providing coordinated ministry resources, personnel, leadership initiatives, missions awareness and other related services. Select a specific ministry from the menu above for more information.

MDSI Personnel:
Jeremy Nippard, Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives

Jeremy Nippard is the Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives for The Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador. In his role as a General Executive Officer (GEO), he oversees the MDSI Team and Advisory Committee, all seven Provincial Ministries Departments, and the various Strategic Initiatives of the PAONL. He can be reached through Mary Bowers at (709) 778-6501, or mbowers@paonl.ca.
Owen Roberts, Assistant Director

Owen serves as the Assistant Director of MDSI, focusing on the Church Ministries Department. He works alongside and supports the seven church ministry teams. He can be reached through the front desk of our head office at (709) 753-6314 or at oroberts@paonl.ca
Mary Bowers, Administrative Assistant

Mary serves as the Administrative Assistant to the Department of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives and works alongside the Children Ministries, Youth Ministries, Young Adult Ministries, Family Ministries, Women’s Ministries, Men’s Ministries, Prime Time Ministries (50+) and the Discipleship Ministries. Mary works as the office support for the growth of our investment in initiatives across our province and the systems that keep our department going. Mary is a contact at the PAONL regarding the Plan to Protect policy. She can be reached at (709) 778-6501 or at mbowers@paonl.ca.